Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Feng Shui Mirror Placement South West Corner Feng Shui Question For An Expert?

Feng Shui question for an expert? - feng shui mirror placement south west corner

In the basement office, I have my writing on the wall, west to east. Windows are north and south of me. Is that the best location for success and happiness? A screen of any source with the water? Also, I heard the mirror of all the principle does not apply to Feng Shui. Is that correct?


8thpilla... said...

It really depends on whether (the Feng Shui for the type of new age where everything is common, there are no stones, etc.) or conventional (individuality recognized and provided solutions) calculations.

If you find out the traditional method, what your positive directions / unfavorable, which is dictated by your Kua number. To find your Kua number and sectors, go here: ...

Be careful, the enhancer element of water and crystals, which may increase for its own sake, you can quite easily be extended bad, so you better avoid them.

The use of mirrors in Feng Shui is new, but still fits in the case of traditional feng shui, because of their reflective properties. Old BA had Guas brass reflection on the harmful chi bounce away from home for a mirror image, not just the same (and probably more reflective).

dogenzen... said...

all the elders of the north, south, east and west is not good, because you need a diagram of the house on her doorstep - the precise degree, date of birth or the owner or the debtor, the date was set for the first time or if the house was the last major renovation - which is even higher - the missing data.

Feng Shui measure is extremely accurate.

Be careful with water sources, which can activate both good and bad energies. enabling it will one real or imagined physical.

All levels - depends on how they are used. but not a tool for the bedroom. Usually in BA's for outdoor use. Feng shui practitioners from a large number of mirror certainly know nothing of use, but the mirror.

Feng Shui is not a principle. Feng Shui is a compilation of many concepts.

everything from the concept of Chi. Then, the concept of yin and yang. then the concept of the 8 trigrams, which early and later heaven ba Guas sky. People here from the 64 hexagrams.of them came from all different concepts, such as gua Xuan Kong Flying Stars, 8 Mansions, etc.

I know that my answer is an answer to your question, but I have an incomplete picture. I do not know what part of the house the office of the center of the house - I only know that it is in the basement.

Past, what do you think about the whole mirror, eh? What do we know exactly what the whole mirror? because there is no ice in Feng Shui. is only a tool to perform an action in the most professional feng shui is not only a temporary action. Some feng shui masters to use the mirror to the spirits and ghosts trap. Another reason why I like it to use other tools instead of the mirror.

go compared to other tools to, I think, Master Peter Leung another section in relation to other available instruments.

VinceY said...

Not much work on the details, but note that the placement of your desktop depends primarily on their personal Kua Number. It is necessary, we first calculate before you can determine what the best position for success and happiness.

However, by a desk in the basement is not a real good idea if your basement really means, has big windows and all. (You do not want in the "bottom" of things)

The mirrors are like crystal. They stimulate the energy. Some schools of feng shui (see crystals and hence the mirror) as tools in feng shui, some do not.

Henry F said...

I need much more information that you have to make suggestions.

I have a section headed "is well located facing and prosperity?".
Please check

We can help!

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